Call me Miss Wearable

29th May 2014

Wearables like Fitbit is like taking your health report with you on-the-go. Seeing the results in real-time is really getting me going. What's even better is that it really gets my butt off my seat than just designing for 8 hours straight in a day.

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There is definitely a big future for wearable tech, it only pushes the relevant information that the users need to know about, and not to pull information from an action of typing a URL address. Talking from one device to another. Almost effortless with the interaction which encourages people for ongoing engagement.

I like Fitbit a lot. Firstly, it is wearable, and not to lose it like how some might lose their mobile phones. (haha!) Secondly, it is a very social tech and the sense of community has quickly connected a few friends together on competing against one another. Through the app of Fitbit, it also allows us in cheering for others and concerning how long that we have been active for the day. Seeing the instant data information motivates some of my friends in showing off their health achievements on social platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Health and fitness is not the only category that is well-received by the public, but also with the entertainment industry, with Disney's MagicBand and Oculus Rift.

It is a totally different ball game from smartphones. A whole new digital ecosystem that challenges all creatives to think beyond and to use it like nothing before.

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